Building Castles in the Sky
Ghent International Festival

What would your surroundings look like if you were in charge? What would you want to add to your neighborhood? What is needed to turn an existing place into your own place?
With Building Castles in the Sky, Gouvernement, along with a group of creators, transforms the spatial desires of a young generation of Ghent residents into distinctive creations within the city.
From a rich source of youthful imagination, a number of artists translate both the most common and the most unique ideas. How do you create an endless scarf that keeps the whole street warm together? Where in the city do you recreate your favorite video game on a life-size scale? And what if the city was an amusement park? As architects and master builders, the young people direct the artists in this process.
All works are combined into a walking route in the northern edge of Ghent, with CAMPO boma as the central meeting place.
Participating artists and organizations: 019, Hamza AbuAyyash, Bebe Books, Floris Baeke, Zeli Bauwens, Idries Bensbaho, Sixtine Bérard, Celebr8 Cultcakes, OKAN classes of Lore Degrieck, Fatih De Vos, Reinout Dewulf, Dominique De Groen, Firas El Hallak, DKO class of Sarah Eyckerman, Ilke Gers, Micha Goldberg, Madonna Lenaert, Ferre Marnef, Minus One, Ocup vzw, Lieselot Siddiki, Nina Van Denbempt Splinter vzw, Rachid & Remi, Sarah Vanagt, Oisoi studio, Miet Warlop, decoration studio Jozef Wouters, Manoeuvre.
Starting point for the walk: To start the walk, visit us with your ticket at CAMPO Boma (Bomastraat 35, 9000 Ghent) during the opening hours of Building Castles in the Sky. There, you will receive the magazine and the map with the walking route.
Weekend 1 | April 5 through 7
Weekend 2 | April 12 through 14
Weekend 3 | April 19 through 21
HOURS (each weekend)
Friday | 16:00 to 22:00h
Saturday | 14:00 to 20:00h
Sunday | 12:00 to 18:00h
When purchasing a ticket, you will receive a walking route and a magazine with the secrets of each artwork, detailed information about the locations, and the timings of the performances. Your ticket is valid for an entire weekend and grants you access to all works. Tickets can be purchased via the buttons at the bottom of this page or at the ticket desk of VIERNULVIER.
€ 22 | 18 | 14 (pay what you can) - UITPAS