Share your love of opera and ballet during OPEN RAAM (open window)

Can the neighbours join in?

Mon, Feb 20, 2023

Testje 3

What is that one aria that moves you to tears every time? Which opera has special meaning for you? In which piece can you not help but to conduct or dance along?
Opera and ballet fans, make your love known and be heard!


Opera Ballet Vlaanderen and Curieus are calling on everyone to share their love of opera and ballet music because Saturday 17 June 2023 is 100in1DayBelgium, the celebration of the committed doer.

On this day, we turn ideas into action. We connect people with each other and with their environment. Together we set up creative, sustainable and innovative actions to make the neighbourhood a bit more beautiful. An initiative of Curieus vzw. Read more here

Testje 4

Deelnemers van over heel Vlaanderen

Tussen Eindhoven en Langemark-Poelkapelle wonen er heel wat opera- en balletfans.
Bekijk hier het kaartje.

2223 RAA OPEN RAAM deelnemers op kaart 12 06 2023


1. Register your action

Fill in the form at the bottom of this web page. That way, we will map out where something is happening, you will have a chance of winning great prizes and you will be invited to a unique concert in the operas of Ghent or Antwerp.

2. Play your favourite fragment on 17 June and enjoy that moment together with other people

Between 2pm and 4pm, open your windows and doors and sing your favourite aria, play your favourite music fragment or request it on Klara (via e-mail) and turn up the volume on your music system. Experience your passion for music or ballet together with your neighbours, friends and family.

Need inspiration?

Check out season 23/24 or listen to the playlist.

3. Get love back from us

Register your action below and your invitation for a cosy meeting in Opera Gent or Opera Antwerpen, with a live opera jukebox and a festive start of the loose ticket sales for the next fantastic season at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, will soon arrive.

You will also have the chance to win free season tickets or one of Curieus' gift packages. Boost your chances by posting about your action on social media with #operaballetvlaanderen and mentioning the OPEN RAAM action.

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